How to Furnish Your New Apartment for (Almost) Nothing

Congratulations! You finally saved enough money for first, last, and security deposit, and now you’re moving into your new apartment! Unfortunately, putting all of that money down just wiped out your savings, so now you’re facing the prospect of moving into your new place with some lawn chairs and a blow-up mattress. But not to worry because when we help our guests find permanent housing, we also help them furnish their new place with some of the things they need - all on a shoestring budget. So here are our absolute best tips for furnishing your new apartment for as low cost as possible.

Helping Hands of Bennington County - This is a wonderful Facebook page where you can post your specific needs as in “I’m looking for a full size mattress and two coffee tables” and local residents will see your post and respond if they have what you’re looking for. You may not get lucky, but this is a great first step for anyone looking to furnish a new apartment on a budget.

Curbside/Tag Sales - If you’re looking to furnish your new place May-September and you have a car, try to set aside a weekend with good weather to go tag-saling. For very little money, you may be able to find some excellent deals in town for some second-hand furniture. We recommend going down Main Street, Route 7, and Route 7a. If you don’t mind the miles on your vehicle, you might go as far as Manchester where you might find some great deals. Bonus Tip: One of the best times to go tag-saling and looking for curbside free furniture is when the spring semester ends for college students. Many students, facing the prospect of a long trip home, leave great quality furniture and appliances on the side of the road in late May.

FB Marketplace - If you’ve tried the first two options without luck, before you go to Walmart or start browsing on Amazon, check out the Facebook Marketplace. Do a little scrolling and see if you can find what you’re looking for. You may not, but take a look. The Marketplace can sometimes be a goldmine for reasonably priced second-hand furniture.